14.0 Were some good biographical articles posted in RMIM before?

Yes, there were some good articles transcribed from various sources that were posted on the RMIM.

14.1 What are some of the good biographical articles that appeared on RMIM?

The list of some good articles can be got by sending a mail to the pkohli@cc.gatech.edu ( Rmim AutoMailer) with Subject: rmim article list. (see the RMIM AutoMailer question 16.4 for more details on this).

When you send a mail you will get a reply that will contain a list of articles available, as well as instructions on how to obtain it using the AutoMailer.

To get a small description about the article, send a mail to the pkohli@cc.gatech.edu with Subject: rmim article details.

14.2 Any general articles other than biographies that were posted before in RMIM?

Yes, there were some articles of general nature that appeared on RMIM. To get a list of these articles follow the same procedure as mentioned above in question 14.1.

14.3 Where can I get some of the above articles?

There are many ways to get the above articles.

14.4 I want to post some articles that I have with me. What do I do?

Before doing so please make sure that there are no copyright violations in posting these articles. Also check with the above list so that you don't duplicate the effort.

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Maintained by Satish Subramanian