khel hai ye khilaa.Dii kaa -2
%(this is a game of a player)
kaam nahii.n ye anaa.Dii kaa ##super police##
%(this is not a work of a novice, ##super police##)
khel hai ye khilaa.Dii kaa ##super police##
khaakii vardii chashmaa kaalaa patthar dil hai ##police## vaalaa
%(brown dress, black spectacles, the policeman is stone hearted)
phir bhii maine dil de Daalaa ##o k##
%(even then i have given my heart, o k)
khaakii vardii chashmaa kaalaa patthar dil hai ##police## vaalaa
phir bhii maine dil de Daalaa ##o k##
tuu bhii de-de dil ##super police## dil ko terii hii hai bas Kvaahish -2
%(you also give your heart, ##super police##, my heart has just your desire)
tuu hai chor mai.n ##police## vaalaa tuu a.ndheraa mai.n ujaalaa
%(you are a thief, i am a ##police## man, you are darkness, i am brightness)
apnaa mel na hone vaalaa ##o k##
%(our meeting is not possible, o k)
tuu hai chor mai.n ##police## vaalaa tuu a.ndheraa mai.n ujaalaa
apanaa mel na hone vaalaa ##o k##
cho cho chorii kii sazaa duu.Ngaa tu tu tujhako na chho.Duu.Ngaa -2
%(i will punish your for having stolen, i will not leave you scotfree)
khel hai ye khilaa.Dii kaa kaam nahii.n ye anaa.Dii kaa
mujhase nigaahe.n milaane.n kaa sochanaa naa
%(don't even thing of meeting my eyesights)
mai.n terii baato.n me.n aa_uu.Ngaa naa
%(i will not sucumb to your talks)
apane bhii siine me.n chhoTaa saa ik dil hai
%(in my chest also, there is a small heart)
aayaa hai tujhape to karanaa bhii kyaa
%(it has got attracted towards you, what more is there to do)
tan teraa goraa-goraa man teraa kaalaa-kaalaa
%(you body is fair, but your mind is black)
tujhako hii chaahuu.N mai.n tuu hai taqadiir vaalaa
%(i am in love with only you, you are lucky)
biga.Dii taqadiir terii tujhe milii hai qaid merii
%(your fate has got spoilt, you have got under my arrest)
khaakii vardii chashmaa kaalaa patthar dil hai ##police## vaalaa
phir bhii maine dil de Daalaa ##o k##
tuu hai chor mai.n ##police## vaalaa tuu a.ndheraa mai.n ujaalaa
apanaa mel naa hone vaalaa ##o k##
tuu bhii de-de dil ##super police## dil ko terii hii hai bas Kvaahish
cho cho chorii kii sajaa duu.Ngaa tu tu tujhako na chho.Duu.Ngaa
khel hai ye khilaa.Dii kaa kaam nahii.n ye anaa.Dii kaa
bikam non non non non
chor ghuse dil me.n ##now breaking the door##
%(the thief is entering the heart, now breaking the door)
kyaa hai ga.ngaa-jamanaa kaa ye sa.ngam
%(what a meeting of ganges and yamuna rivers it is)
ab hogaa hogaa hogaa ##super police##
%(now it will happen, super polive)
dil churaa dil churaa dil churaa
%(steal the heart)
ban ke tuu dilavaalii tuu
%(you become broadhearted)
kar de tuu ##one two## kaa ##four##
%(convert things to double)
hey choranii choranii choranii ##super police##
%(hey thief, ##super police##)
saaraa zamaanaa hii meraa divaanaa hai lekin mai.n huu.N divaanii terii
%(entire world is mad about me, but i am mad after you)
ye jelakhaanaa hii teraa Thikaanaa hai isame.n kaTegii javaanii terii
%(this prison is your destination, here your life will be spent)
terii baa.Nho.n kii mai.n qaidii bananaa chaahuu.N
%(i want to become a prisoner of your heart)
tujhape ##one forty four## kaa ##section## mai.n lagaa_uu.N
%(i will impose the section 144 on you, implying curfew)
jo bhii ##section## ho jaldii ##action## le-le gale lagaa le
%(whatever is the section, take a quick action, and embrace me)
khaakii vardii chashmaa kaalaa patthar dil hai ##police## vaalaa
phir bhii maine dil de Daalaa ##o k##
tuu hai chor mai.n ##police## vaalaa tuu a.ndheraa mai.n ujaalaa
apanaa mel naa hone vaalaa ##o k##
tuu bhii de-de dil ##super police## dil ko terii hii hai bas Kvaahish
cho cho chorii kii sajaa duu.Ngaa tu tu tujhako na chho.Duu.Ngaa
( khel hai ye khilaa.Dii kaa ##super police##
kaam nahii.n ye anaa.Dii kaa ##super police## ) -2